Friday, June 10, 2011

Gold prospecting success stories from people who purchased the Ancient Deposits Modern Wealth Package

"Hi Stan, Thank you for this information. Since our last e-mail after I purchased your e-book package (Ancient Deposits Modern Wealth) I have purchased a very remote 20ac. claim in Northern CA on the South Fork of the Yuba. It is difficult to access but has a lot of ancient gravel beds, some very nice andesite caps and this stretch of river has not been touched in years! It has lots of blue and rose quartz throughout the area and the `great blue lead` also runs through this paticular canyon area, hopefully my Minelab GP Extreme will cough up some nice specimens, it produced a beautiful fist sized gold and quartz nugget last year that had 8.5 ozs in it!!I am planning to be up there soon after winter runoff when the roads reopen." Hope your doing well, regards, Marc Kelly.
"I recently decided to try my luck with my gold pan near the border of Wyoming and Montana. Your report said that the ancient Old Mammoth River passed through this way a few million years ago. I was able to locate obviously round river gravels along the east side of the Wind River Range. I filled a bucket with some of this gravel and drove to the nearest river. I was finding some nice fine gold in each pan until I got to the bottom of the bucket. In my last pan I came up with a small little nugget the size of a BB. I wonder how much gold must be laying there on the mountainside. Unfortunately this is part of a National Park and I'll have to work it periodically one bucket at a time. Thanks for the tip! Anonymous"

"I am so excited to report that I just returned from a vacation to the Baja in Mexico. With information from your Ancient Channels package, I decided to go exploring just outside the small town of Bahia de Los Angeles. Sure enough I discovered some old placer gold mine workings. I started panning some of the material and was amazed at how much gold I found. My wife and I will be returning soon with some small gold concentrating equipment and hope to be able make enough money to consider quitting my job by next year. This gold definitely appears to be from the ancient river described in your package. The old river gravel is everywhere. I can't believe how easy this is. Thanks again for your great information! I'll be purchasing your Explorers Course right away too. Sincerely, Thomas Jensen"

"I can't believe that I found gold so close to my home in San Luis Obispo! Using the book in your gold package, I went gold prospecting on the east side of the La Panza mountain range. I spent the entire day checking out the creeks that run in to the San Juan River. Every single creek had gold!!! I also spoke with some people about the Lost Padre mine. I'm thinking of doing some research and looking for it. I am really hooked by the gold bug now. Thank you, Ken Ryder"

"Stan, I live in Las Vegas and recently took a prospecting trip to Randsburg, California. What an amazing place this is. The information in your Ancient Deposits report is right on! My friends and I panned out 2 ounces of gold in one weekend! We are thinking of buying some claims just outside of town now. Randsburg is such a beautiful little town. I highly recommend it for a great vacation. Many Thanks, Robert Lamb"

"I found gold in every pan just south of Idaho Springs in Colorado! I've been gold panning as a hobby for 20 years. In one day I found more gold than I have in all of the 20 years combined. I never knew this could be so easy! Sincere thanks, Les Davenport"

"Just went prospecting south of Wickenburg, Arizona armed with the information I received in your gold package. My Minelab detector worked wonders around all the black sand. In San Domingo Wash, I found 32 small gold nuggets totaling 1.4 ounces. Not bad for 5 hours of work! I'm retired so this really helps out with my rainy day fund. Thanks! Marlene Hoffman"

There are, literally, billions of ounces of ancient alluvial gold out there, just waiting for YOU! My Ancient Deposits Modern Wealth Package leads you directly to it!

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Want To Find Gold? Get Stan's report "My Secrets to Finding Millions of Ounces of Alluvial Gold" $29.95 FREE when you subscribe to his FREE 7 part email Placer Gold Prospecting Course. Stan reveals all of the secrets he developed and used to find millions of ounces of commercial placer gold deposits in numerous locations. We will also send you special updates on our newest e-books..We respect your privacy, your name and email address will never be sold or given to anyone. Send and email to :

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Alberto Guerrero #180 y Federico Paez, Batan Alto, Quito Ecuador

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