Monday, May 9, 2011


Characterization of
Alluvial Gold GrainsMicrochemical
Characterization of
Alluvial Gold Grains
as an Exploration
Robert Chapman, Bob Leake and
Mike Styles*
School of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds
LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
*British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Notts NG12 5GG,
United Kingdom
E-mail: aedrjc@LUCS-03.NOVELL.LEEDS.AC.UK
Received: 15 October 2001
There is considerable variation in the composition of
native gold and the nature of minerals co-existing with
it, and this reflects differences in the geological
environment and chemistry of ore-forming processes.
In areas where gold-bearing mineralization is subject
to active fluvial erosion, especially in temperate
climatic regimes, any discrete grains of native gold
pass into alluvial sediment with little modification.
The chemical characteristics of alluvial grains and the
nature of preserved mineral inclusions provide a
signature which points back to the type of source
mineralization. This signature may be established
using electron probe microanalysis and scanning
electron microscopy and can be interpreted to provide
information about the original bedrock mineralization.
Identification of the type of source mineralization
using the technique at an early stage in regional
exploration can help focus attention on targets with
the most potential economic importance.
In nature, gold occurs predominantly as the native metal,
although it is commonly alloyed with highly variable amounts
of other metals; primarily silver, but also mercury, copper and
palladium. It may also occur within common sulphur-rich
minerals such as pyrite and arsenopyrite either as submicroscopic inclusions of native gold or as a minor
component within the lattice of these minerals (1). In a few
occurrences gold may be present primarily in combination
with tellurium in such minerals as calaverite ((Au,Ag)Te2)
rather than as the native metal. There are a wide variety of
types of gold mineralization, influenced by differences in
their geological setting, the chemistry of the ore fluids, and
the nature of their reactions with rocks into which they
penetrate. Characterization and classification of ore deposits
has long been based on assessment of the geological
environment of formation as inferred from structures, and
mineralogical and chemical features observable in the field,
augmented by chemical data. More recently, genetic models
of major deposit types have been formulated as a result of
combining descriptive information with increased
understanding of the physics and chemistry of mineralization
processes obtained from experimental and theoretical work.
The classification of gold deposits has developed
progressively by the application of genetic models and as
new types have been discovered as a result of exploration,
such as the Olympic Dam Cu-Au-U deposit of South Australia
(2). Comprehensive reviews of gold deposit classification
follow after periods of extensive exploration and mineral
deposit research, such as that of Foster (3) in response to the
proliferation of exploration activity in the previous decade.
Variation in chemical parameters, both in environments of
ore fluid generation and ore precipitation, result in a
considerable variety in the mineralogy of gold-bearing ores.
This manifests itself both in the composition of the native
gold alloy and the associated minerals. This variation may
also be seen in comparisons of gold deposits of the same
type, for example Hedenquist et al (4) indicates the range of
minerals associated with some economically important
epithermal gold deposits.
Commonly, minerals which co-exist with native gold in the
source mineralization also occur as microscopic inclusions
within the gold (Plates 1, 2). Grains of native gold are
chemically stable within most, but not all, environments on
the Earth’s surface, and thus gold grains liberated from the
hypogene ore are normally unchanged on passing from
bedrock into superficial sediments as a result of weathering
and erosion. Evidence for the ability of gold to form an
effective barrier between inclusions and the atmosphere is
provided by the case of an alluvial grain from Ecuador which
contained large (200µm) complex multiple telluride
inclusions. The inclusions were observed to have suffered
marked oxidation and hydration in less than 3 weeks54 Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2
following preparation of the polished block and exposure to
the atmosphere in the laboratory.
Some grains, especially those rich in silver, may show
compositional modification of the outer part but even then a
relict grain core that retains its original composition and
inclusions is commonly recognizable (5 – 9). However, in
areas which have suffered long and intensive periods of
lateritic weathering, native gold may have completely
recrystallized, so as to reflect this environment rather than
that of the original source mineralization (10).
The search for bedrock gold deposits has historically
involved systematic searches for alluvial gold in river gravels
and the sampling of drainage sediment remains an
important activity within the suite of modern exploration
techniques. Gold concentrations can be determined directly
by chemical assay of various size fractions or other
components, including a heavy mineral fraction obtained by
panning. Panning allows the visual detection of grains of
native gold directly in the field which in many cases leads to
the location of bedrock mineralization. However, there have
also been fruitless searches for the source of alluvial
concentrations of native gold. This paper describes how the
microchemical characterization of a number of alluvial gold
grains from a given site can provide information at an early
stage in the exploration process that permits informed
speculation about the type or types or mineralization from
which the alluvial gold is derived.
Many workers have investigated the link between the
composition of alluvial native gold grains and potential
sources, examples being studies of Witwatersrand gold (11,
12), and gold from the Yukon (7). Desborough (13) first
suggested the potential of mineral inclusions within the gold
as an aid to distinguishing between alluvial gold from
different sources. However, the work of the present authors,
which is summarised here (and augmented by previously
unpublished data for localities in North America and
Australia), represents the first studies to systematically record
the mineral inclusion assemblages and to generate
classifications of gold grain chemistry which combine this
information with that of the gold alloy composition. The
resulting ‘microchemical signature’ provides a more powerful
technique for interpreting the origin of alluvial gold than gold
alloy composition alone, because the composition of native
gold grains can vary from point to point within the same
mineralized structure (9). This work has been undertaken for
a period of over 15 years during which over 20,000 gold
grains from 314 localities in Great Britain and Ireland,
together with other sites in North America, South America,
southern Africa, Australia, south east Asia, and Fiji, have been
studied. A wide range of compositional variation in alluvial
gold grains has been observed reflecting differences in the
Plate 1
Alluvial gold grain from the Crediton Trough, Devon containing many
microscopic inclusions of selenide minerals
Plate 2
Alluvial gold grain from Ximena area of Ecuador containing relatively
large complex inclusion of CuAg sulphotelluride (dark grey), Bi metal
(pale grey) and a Bi+Cu+Au alloy (pink)
Figure 1
Worldwide locations of sites discussed in the text. 1: Klondyke District,
Yukon Territory, Canada, 2: Ximena Province, Ecuador, 3: Mberengwa
District, Zimbabwe, 4: Lubuk Mandi, Malaysia, 5: Victoria goldfield,
Australia, 6: Wainmanu River, Fiji, 7: Localities in Great Britain and Ireland
detailed in Figure 2Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2 55
style and geological environment of the host mineralization.
Sufficient native gold obtained from bedrock and alluvial
sources in Great Britain and Ireland has been studied to
provide country-wide perspectives of the different types of
gold mineralization present. Where possible, alluvial gold has
been studied from several other parts of the world where the
gold mineralization is of greater economic significance and
which differ from the British Isles both geologically and
Table 1 Location and References for Sites Described in the Text
Country/Region Detail of Locality Geological Setting of Geomorphological/Climatic Reference
Gold Mineralization Description of Locality
Great Britain
and Ireland
Southern Scotland Leadhills area Metasediments, Southern Upland area, cool temperate climate 31
Uplands Terrain
Southern Scotland Tweed headwaters Metasediments, Southern Upland area, cool temperate climate 14
Uplands Terrain
Southern Scotland Glengaber Burn Metasediments, Southern Upland area, cool temperate climate 16
Uplands Terrain
Central Scotland Borland Glen, Ochil Hills Acid-intermdiate volcanic Upland area, cool temperate climate 37
Northern Scotland Sutherland area, Cononish Metasediments Grampian Upland area, cool temperate climate 8, 14
R., Glengarry, West Water, Terrain
Calliacher Burn, Glen Lednock
Northern Ireland R. Bann, Mourne Mountains Metasediments, Southern Upland area, cool temperate climate 8
Uplands Terrain
Ireland Co Mayo Metasediments, Southern Upland area, cool temperate climate 8
Uplands Terrain
Ireland Balwoges, Co Donegal Brecciated pipe and Upland area, cool temperate climate 8
volcanic boss
England, Devon South Hams District Red bed associated Lowland area, cool temperate climate 15, 35
England, Devon Crediton Trough Red bed and alkali basalt Lowland area, cool temperate climate 36
Wales, Dolgellau Gwynfynnydd Mine Metasediments Upland area, cool temperate climate 9, 38
Gold Belt
Mberengwa District ‘C’ Mine Greenstone Belt Deep tropical weathering, slow erosion, 24
semi-arid climate
Sebakwe River Greenstone Belt Deep tropical weathering, 24
slow erosion, semi-arid climate
North America
Klondyke District, Bonanza Creek Metasediments Upland area, sub arctic climate 7, 26
Yukon Territory Bear Creek
Hunker Creek
Ballarat Goldfield, Dolly Creek, Violet Town Metasediments Temperate rain forest 39
Walhalla Goldfield, Jordan River, Woods Point Metasediments Temperate rain forest 39
Lubuk Mandi Metasediments Steep relief, rapid erosion, tropical 25
rainforest with waterlogged soils
Emperor Mine Alkali-epithermal Tropical rain forest 23
Wainmanu River Porpyry+ alkali epithermal Tropical rain forest 23
Catopaxi province Valetanga High altitude rain forest, no tropical 30
Perros Bravos56 Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2
climatically, but much more work is required to cover the
whole range of mineralization types.
The geographical distribution of the gold localities
referred to in the text are provided in Figures 1 and 2, and
descriptions of the host environments of the gold
mineralization are provided in Table 1.
Determination of the Microchemical
Signature of Alluvial Gold Grains
The size of the population of grains studied from each
locality is dependent upon the abundance of opaque
inclusions within the grain. The proportion of sectioned gold
grains containing identifiable opaque inclusions varies widely
but in Britain and Ireland, they are typically found in about
20% of the grains (8), so a population of 30 grains is usually
sufficient to generate useful information. Where the
incidence of inclusions is lower and where multiple sources of
alluvial gold contribute to the alluvial population, a
correspondingly greater number of grains is required. This is
rarely a problem in mining areas, but the collection of even
30 alluvial gold grains from some areas where mineralization
is sparse or remote from drainage may be difficult and
specialized field techniques have been developed for this
purpose (14).
Prior to the mounting of gold grains in epoxy resin for
grinding down and polishing, observations can be made on
their size and shape. In a few cases grains with intricate
shapes or surface textures may be present in alluvial
sediment. At a few sites in South Devon (SW England),
dendritic grains (Plate 3) were recorded in the alluvial
sediment (15), very similar in form and composition to gold
occurring in carbonate veins exposed on the coast at Hopes
Nose near Torquay (Devon, SW England). Dendritic grains
cannot survive more than a trivial amount of transport before
dendrite spikes are folded around the core of the grain. Thus,
their presence in alluvial sediment indicates very close
proximity to a bedrock source.
After polishing, grains are examined by scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) to
determine the concentrations of alloying elements (Ag, Cu,
Hg, Pd, Sn) within the gold and the nature of the inclusion
suite. Details of the experimental procedures are given in
reference 8.
Mineral inclusions are of two types: opaque minerals, such
as sulphides and sulpharsenides and translucent minerals,
most commonly quartz and carbonates. In general, the
opaque mineral assemblage is more useful in characterizing
the type of source mineralization, although in some cases
translucent minerals suggest the presence of specific types
of mineralization, eg calcium-rich garnets and wollastonite
may be indicative of skarn mineralization. The opaque
mineral inclusion suite is reported in terms of the various
mineral classes, ie sulphides, sulpharsenides and arsenides,
sulphosalts and antimonides, tellurides and selenides which
reflect ore composition in terms of Groups Vb and VIb
elements. The classification of the inclusion assemblage is
Figure 2
Locations of gold deposits in Britain and Ireland mentioned in the text.
Scotland, N. Highland and Grampian Terriane: 1: Sutherland, 2: Glen
Garry, 3: Cononish River, 4: Glen Lednock, 5: Calliacher Burn, 6: West
Water, 7: Borland Glen, 8: Leadhills Region, 9: Tweed Headwaters, 10:
Glengaber Burn, 11: Gwynfynydd Mine, Dolgellau Gold Belt, 12: Crediton
Trough, Devon, 13: South Hams District, Devon, 14: River Bann, Mourne
Mountains, 15: Balwoges, Donegal, 16: Co Mayo
Plate 3
Dendritic gold grain from alluvium in South Devon. A thin rim made of
Pt-rich alloys coats the gold grainGold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2 57
made in terms of the rough proportions of individual
inclusions corresponding to the mineral classes. In a few
cases the presence of specific or unusual inclusions may
contribute significantly to the microchemical signature. For
example, gold from Balwoges, a locality in Northern Ireland,
contained a high proportion of copper sulphide inclusions,
which are generally very rare (8). In other cases a distinctive
inclusion suite may be restricted to populations of alluvial
gold grains from specific sites within an auriferous region,
and this may be indicative of a particular mineralizing event.
For example, a study of the Glengaber Burn area in Southern
Scotland showed that gold from the richest alluvial locality
contained inclusions of tetrahedrite and sphalerite which
were absent in alluvial gold from nearby rivers (16), despite
the gold alloy compositions being broadly similar throughout
the study area. A study of alluvial gold from three adjacent
auriferous rivers draining the Dolgellau Gold Belt in North
Wales also showed different inclusion assemblages in each
case. One assemblage comprised sulphides and
sulpharsenides whilst 40% of the inclusions from another
were tellurium-bearing minerals. The third population was
distinguished both by the presence of molybdenite inclusions
and by a mean silver content in the gold alloy 15% higher
than recorded for gold from the adjacent rivers (9).
The composition of a population of gold grains in terms of
their silver content (and where appropriate other metals) is
represented using a plot of the type presented in Figure 3.
Each gold grain is represented as a percentile and plotted
against increasing silver content. In this way, populations of
differing numbers of grains may be compared directly. Figure
3 compares silver contents of gold grains extracted from
mineralization intersected in drill core with grains extracted
from nearby alluvial sediment in the Lubuk Mandi area of the
Malaysia peninsular. The significance of the shapes of the
plots is discussed further below.
The microchemical signature of a population of gold
grains is derived from combining the chemical description of
the inclusion assemblage with the quantitative data
describing alloy composition. Broad differences between
gold formed in different geological environments are readily
apparent (8). Examples are presented in Table 2 which
summarizes the chemical characteristics of composite
populations of gold grains from Scotland and Ireland. Gold
from the Tweed headwaters and Glengaber Burn area in
Scotland is generally similar to that from Co Mayo in Ireland
both in terms of silver content and inclusion assemblage,
although approximately 200km apart, both lie within the
same geological terrain. However, gold from the Leadhills
region, also in the Scottish Southern Uplands terrain exhibits
a different signature, with a far higher proportion of arsenicbearing minerals in the inclusion assemblage. Gold from the
Grampian terrain in Scotland and Northern Ireland is
Comparison of Inclusion Assemblages from Gold Localities Table 2
Locality/ Localities Contributing No Median Inclusion Assemblage Characterized Diagnostic Minerals Within
Sample Sets to Composite Samples Grains Ag % by Mineral Class the Inclusion Assemblage
% % % % Gold hosted by
Sulphides Sulpharsenides Sulphosalts Tellurides meta sediments
Mayo, Ireland Cregganbaun Shear 233 8.9 90 6 4 2 Sphalerite, tetrahedrite
Zone, Croagh Patrick
Southern Scotland Glengaber area 335 7.0-7.8 71 17 6 0 Sphalerite, tetrahedrite
Tweed headwaters
Southern Scotland Leadhills 500 10.6 51 49 0 0
Northern Scotland Sutherland area, Cononish R., 465 9.7-28 81 19 0 4
Glengarry, West Water,
Calliacher Burn, Glen Lednock
Malaysian gold Lubuk Mandi, 1829-10.7 75 23 1 1
Yukon gold Bear, Hunker and 83 15-33 59 41 0 3
Bonanza Creeks
Australian gold Dolly Creek, Jordan River 70 3.2 -8.2 68 20 12 0
Gold associated
with volcanics
Fijian gold Waimanu River 46 5-18% 63 0 0 37 Bismuth tellurides
Central Scotland Borland Glen 50 6.4 60 0 0 40 Bismuth tellurides58 Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2
are unstable in an oxygenated fluvial environment and thus
would decompose if deformation of the gold allows contact
with air and water (17). However, for transport distances
typical of alluvial gold from Britain and Ireland the host grains
provide effective barriers to decomposition of inclusions as
witnessed by the wide range of mineral species which are
unstable in oxygenated surficial environments (eg galena,
pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite).
The formation of mineral inclusions by mechanical
embedding into the grain surface is another mechanism by
which the signature of alluvial gold could be altered.
However, the typical size of inclusions (2-20µm) is much
smaller than grains of the same minerals in the host
mineralization and such grains would be particularly unstable
in oxygenated fluvial environments. If mechanical
incorporation of mineral grains into gold in the alluvial
environment was prevalent, the most common mineral in
alluvial sediment, generally quartz, would be expected to be
most abundant and yet in most of the 20,000+ alluvial gold
grains studied it is absent.
A population of gold grains can be augmented or even
replaced by the addition of authigenic gold, that is gold
precipitating from solution in the surficial environment. This
can result in the formation of additional discrete gold grains
or coatings on the original grains. The degree to which
authigenic gold contributes to a population of gold grains is
governed by the prevailing climate and geomorphology of
the location (18). Authigenic gold may be important in some
tropical environments where chemically aggressive
groundwaters can alter the profile of gold distribution over
long periods of time. This process is important in Australia
(19), Ghana (20, 21) and various other tropical localities
referred to by Nichol et al (18). Complete re-mobilization of
gold will obliterate the textures and chemical signature of the
original hypogene gold, however textures characteristic of
authigenic gold such as crystalline form or extensive
modification around the grain core are identifiable by SEM
methods (40). Consequently an evaluation of the degree of
modification to the population of alluvial gold is possible as
part of the analytical procedure.
Studies of gold from Britain and Ireland (8, 9), North
America (5 – 7), and New Zealand (41) failed to identify any
evidence for augmentation of the alluvial population by
authigenic processes, and the internal characteristics of the
gold grains were considered consistent with those from the
hypogene source. These results give a strong indication that
for alluvial gold in temperate climates the contribution of
authigenic gold is negligible, although many grains exhibit
gold rich rims typically to a thickness of about 10 µm, which
have been attributed to a process of silver depletion (22).
In studies of gold from Fiji (23), Zimbabwe (24), Malaysia
(25), and the Victoria goldfield in Australia, the full range of
generally of higher silver content than gold from the
Southern Uplands and exhibits a tellurium signature in the
inclusion assemblage absent in gold found to the south.
The technique is highly reproducible in terms of both
sampling and analysis (9). The microchemical signature of
gold from an area in the Leadhills district of Southern
Scotland is independent of the field sampler, the date of
collection and the exact location of the sampling site. In
addition, the same microchemical signature was obtained
using very similar analytical facilities but different analytical
procedures in two separate laboratories.
Factors Modifying the Microchemical
Signature of Alluvial Gold
The success of the microchemical characterization technique
as an exploration tool depends on a close relationship
between the microchemical signature of alluvial gold and the
characteristics of the source mineralization. There are two
ways in which the microchemical signature of a population of
gold grains can be altered by post-liberation processes in the
secondary environment: either by modification within the
fluvial environment or by the addition of authigenic gold, and
both are considered below.
The opaque mineral inclusion assemblage may become
more difficult to identify with increased transport in the
fluvial environment as most of the opaque mineral inclusions
20 40 60 80 100
Lubuk Mandi core 1
Lubuk Mandi core 2
Lubuk Mandi alluvial
% Ag
Cumulative %
Figure 3
Comparison of silver contents of gold grains from drill core and nearby
alluvial sediment Lubuk Mandi, MalaysiaGold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2 59
Relationship between Microchemical
Signature of Alluvial Gold and Source
Bedrock Gold
The close correspondence between minerals coexisting with
hypogene gold in bedrock and the nature of inclusions within
alluvial gold from nearby rivers was reported for all nine Irish
and Scottish sites studied by Chapman et al (8) and for gold
from Malaysia (27). In each case there is good agreement
between the inclusions in alluvial gold, inclusions in gold
extracted from bedrock (5 examples) and the nature of
minerals coexisting with hypogene gold in the bedrock
mineralization revealed by mineralogical study. Minor
differences probably reflect the presence of additional
sources of mineralization in the drainage catchment.
Populations of gold grains from both drill core of the
bedrock source and alluvial sediment some 1-2 kms downhill
in the Lubuk Mandi area of Malaysia are compared in Figure 3
(data from Henney et al, reference 25). The gold extracted
from the core exhibits two main silver contents (8.5% and
10.5%) both of which are well within the range of silver
contents of the alluvial gold. Such a simple relationship
between bedrock gold and adjacent alluvial gold indicates
that the mineralization is probably relatively uniform in
composition with the alluvial site close to the source.
There are commonly differences between the
composition of gold grains extracted from hand specimens
20 40 60 80 100
Soil sample
Table concentrate
Mine specimen
% Ag
Cumulative %
Figure 4
Comparison of silver contents of gold grains extracted from a hand
specimen of ore from the ‘C’ mine in Zimbabwe, a mine table
concentrate, a soil sample and nearby alluvial sediment
inclusions found in alluvial gold from Britain have been
observed, showing that preservation of the original features
of gold grains as they pass into the fluvial environment is also
possible in other climatic regions. However in some cases
there is evidence for some post-depositional alteration of
gold grains. Plate 4 shows a gold grain from the Mazowe area
of Zimbabwe which shows the alteration of primary silver-rich
gold to pure gold. Gold from Hunker Creek in the Klondike
district of North America differs from grains from other
Klondike localities studied by the authors in that they exhibit
relatively large (up to 200 µm) rims typically containing up to
5% silver (Plate 5) with single or multiple cores containing 15-
25% silver. Knight et al (26) also observed similar features in
gold from this locality and interpreted the texture as
indicative of silver depletion rather than the deposition of
new authigenic gold.
Plate 4
Alluvial gold grain from Mazowe area of Zimbabwe showing alteration
of primary silver-rich gold (pale yellow) to secondary pure gold (deep
Plate 5
Back-scattered electron image of alluvial gold grain from Hunker Creek,
Yukon showing irregular rim and patches (pale) of gold-rich gold
around electrum60 Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2
Gold grains from Hunker and Bear Creeks exhibit similar
ranges of silver contents (Figure 5) with small numbers of low
silver grains possibly representing separate populations,
whereas the Bonanza Creek sample shows a completely
different type of plot with a break in slope suggesting two
contributing populations. The composition of Bonanza Creek
gold is consistent with its derivation from two known lode-gold
sources upstream (Lone Star and Pioneer), while that from
Hunker and Bear Creeks is far closer to the composition of gold
from the Virgin Lode in the Bear Creek area. This geographical
correlation implies that gold in the Klondyke valleys is generally
close to source. Knight et al (7) reported that the vein
mineralogy of lodes throughout the region is dominated by
base metal sulphides and arsenopyrite and during this study
inclusions of galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite were
observed in alluvial gold with silver contents of over 20% which
suggests that this type of gold is derived from a number of
related sources of mineralization. An inclusion of hessite
((Ag,Au)2Te) was recorded in the population of low-silver (15%
Ag) gold from Bonanza Creek which raises the possibility of an
additional unrecorded bedrock source to that from the Lone
Star lode. These data suggest that a more detailed knowledge
of the inclusion signature of the alluvial gold in the region in
addition to the gold alloy composition would greatly help in
establishing the relationship between bedrock and alluvial gold.
The potential to correlate the inclusion assemblage of alluvial
gold grains with their range of silver and other metal contents
Hunker Creek
Bonanza Creek
Beer Creek
Lone Star Load,
Bonanza Creek
Virgin Lode,
Bear Creek area
Single analysis for
Pioneer Lode
Bonanza Creek
Data from
Knight et al
% Ag
Cumulative %
0 2 0 40 60 80 100
Figure 5
Comparison of silver contents of alluvial gold grains from different
localities in the Klondike, Yukon
of ore and from mine shaking tables. At the ‘C’ mine
Mberengwa district near Zvishvane in Zimbabwe, gold occurs
in shear zone hosted quartz veins. Coarse, easily visible gold
is rare and analysis of grains extracted from a sample
provided by the mine manager (24, 28) shows little variation
in composition about a 10% Ag level (Figure 4). Most of the
gold in the producing veins is much finer grained and a
sample of the production from the shaking table showed a
much greater range of silver contents (10-20% Ag, Figure 4).
Similarly, Chapman et al (9) who showed that gold from hand
specimens of ore from the Gwynfynydd Gold Mine in North
Wales are not necessarily representative of the gold from
throughout the mineralization.
Gold grains were also extracted from a soil sample
collected from the area above the main vein system at the ‘C’
mine and from alluvial sediment in a small river approximately
2 km from the mine, though this had some other small mines
also within its catchment. The soil gold shows two populations
(Figure 4), a small one with silver around 10% and thus similar
to the hand specimen, and a larger population with between
20 and 30% silver, outside the range in the shaking table
sample of deep mine ore. The alluvial sample shows multiple
populations that reflect all the samples collected at the mine,
a dominant group which corresponds to the mine shaking
table gold, and a minor population with higher silver which is
similar to that shown by the soil sample. The alluvial sample
thus provides a representative sample of gold grains in
environments where there is a considerable range in
composition of the native gold in the mineralization.
In some areas where alluvial gold is of significant economic
interest the precise relationship between placer gold and the
source mineralization may be more difficult to establish. Knight
et al (7, 26) undertook an extensive study of the chemical
composition of both alluvial and lode gold from the Klondike
district in an attempt to clarify the discrepancy between the
amount of alluvial gold won from the region with the potential
of known lode gold occurrences. They determined the
chemical composition of the cores of 2,700 gold grains in terms
of silver, mercury and copper content and were able to
characterize the populations of alluvial gold in the various
valleys according to the characteristics of different types of
known lode gold. In addition they predicted that some types of
gold in the alluvial populations were derived from unknown
bedrock sources. In the present study, a more modest number
of alluvial gold grains from this region have been analysed, but
inclusion assemblages have been identified in addition to
concentrations of the minor alloying elements. Figure 5 shows
silver plots for alluvial gold obtained from Bonanza Creek,
Hunker Creek and Bear Creek together with information on the
composition of local lode gold from Knight et al (26). Further
comparative information is presented in Table 3 which shows
close agreement between the two data sets.Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2 61
Northern Ireland, distinct silver-rich populations can be
recognized on cumulative silver content plots (8, 14). In each
case an inclusion suite in the silver-rich population is completely
different from inclusions in the lower silver populations.
A similar scenario with potentially important economic
significance is provided by alluvial gold grains from the
Waimanu River in Fiji. Two distinct populations can be
recognized on the basis of silver content (Figure 6) which also
differ in their inclusion suites (23). The lower silver population
(< 13% Ag) is probably derived from a porphyry-type source
which is known within the catchment. The higher silver
population contains a range of telluride inclusions which are
absent in the lower silver gold but are similar to those in gold
from a mine table concentrate from the Emperor gold mine.
As the range in silver content is also similar it is possible that
this type of alluvial gold in the Waimanu River is derived from
undiscovered alkali-epithermal style mineralization similar to
that worked at the Emperor gold mine.
Applications of the Technique to
Exploration for Gold Mineralization
The Search for a Specific Style of Gold Mineralization
Alluvial gold is widespread in Northern Ireland and in one part
the local geology suggested the presence of skarn
mineralization (9). However, interpretation of the
microchemical signatures of alluvial gold samples from the
area shows that all the gold grains correspond to the two
major types of mineralization further south, neither of which
is of the skarn type. In addition, the microchemical signatures
is important in the identification of multiple sources. Whilst
there may be overlap in silver contents between two
contributing types, in most cases the inclusion assemblages are
distinct. In alluvial gold from Shortcleugh Water, Leadhills,
Scotland and from the River Bann in the Mourne Mountains of
% Ag
Cumulative %
0 2 0 40 60 80 100
Figure 6
Two populations of alluvial gold grains from the Waimanu River, Fiji
revealed by silver content and associated inclusions
Table 3 Comparison of Gold Samples from The Klondike district, Yukon Territory
Locality %Ag Range %Hg Inclusion Assemblage*
%Sulphides %Sulpharsenides %Tellurides
Bonanza Creek
Alluvial * 1. 12-16 1. 0 1. 80 1. 0 1. 20
2. 20-46 2. 0 2. 67 2. 33 2. 0
14-24 0.3
Lone Star 1. 14-17 0.008
2. 14-19 0.016
Pioneer 23.4 0
Bear Creek
Alluvial * 20-36 0.37 100 0 0
Upper: 30-420.39
Lower 28-36 0.49
Virgin 28-34 0.54
Hunker Creek
Alluvial * 28-38 0.2 38 62 0
18-28 0.03
* Data from present study
Data from Knight et al (reference 26)62 Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2
micrometres thick. Second, microanalysis of the cores of the
grains showed that there were large differences in silver
content of gold between the two areas (Figure 7).
The gold from Veletanga is largely high-silver gold while
that from Perros Bravos has much less silver. A division at 11%
Ag separates roughly 90% of the gold from the sites,
indicating that there are two different populations of gold.
There are also differences in the spread of values within each
site; Veletanga has a relatively narrow range with most in the
range 12-17% Ag, while Perros Bravos shows a much more
even spread of compositions.
There are also differences between the suites of microinclusions in the gold from the two areas. This can be
demonstrated by comparing the composition of the host
gold for the main varieties of inclusion on cumulative
frequency curves (Figure 8). This demonstrates that most of
the inclusion types, such as pyrite, galena and pyrrhotite occur
in both types of gold but bismuth-rich tellurides and copper
minerals are confined to the Perros Bravos type of gold.
The two different types of gold in the Estero Hondo
alluvial gold mine are associated with different parts of the
catchment area. A drilling programme showed that there
was a significant skarn deposit in the Veletanga area but a
bedrock source was not located in the Perros Bravos area. It
was concluded that this source had probably largely been
eroded away, which would also account for its greatest
abundance in the lowermost gravels of the mine.
suggest that the alluvial gold was derived from a series of
small sources of mineralization of these types, and not from
glacially dispersed material derived from a large source
further south. This result emphasizes that even a negative
result is of potential value in an exploration context, as
microchemical signatures of the alluvial gold allow informed
evaluation of the prospect relatively cheaply and quickly at an
early stage in the exploration.
Identification of Multiple Sources of Different Types
of Gold within a Region
The Estero Hondo alluvial gold mine is situated in western
Ecuador, at the foot of the Andes in Catopaxi province (30).
The mine was operated by Odin Mining in the 1990’s who
also carried out exploration for bedrock gold deposits in the
area. Odin Mining geologists had noticed that the alluvial
gold on one side of the valley (Valetanga) tended to be bright
and angular, whilst that on the other side (Perros Bravos)
tended to be more rounded, darker and duller. Odin Mining
wanted to know if this indicated two possible sources of
bedrock gold or if it was due to processes acting in the
secondary environment.
Styles et al (30) carried out a gold characterization study
of samples from the Estero Hondo catchment area. This
study showed first that the differences in the appearance of
the alluvial gold were not due to variable amounts of
secondary alteration as for both populations this was
restricted to thin rims around the grains generally only a few
% Ag
Cumulative %
0 2 0 40 60 80
Figure 7
Comparison of silver contents of alluvial gold from two areas in the
Ximena area of Ecuador
Perros Bravos
Bi-rich tellurides
Cu minerals
type 1
type 2
20 0 40 60 80 100
Figure 8
Comparison of silver contents of alluvial gold grains from the Ximena
area of Ecuador containing different types of inclusionsGold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2 63
gold grains from the area show complex patterns of chemical
compositional variation (Plate 6). Palladium occurs as a minor
alloy within the gold up to 11.9%, as inclusions of palladiumbearing minerals such as potarite, (PdHg), within gold grains
and as discrete palladium-bearing minerals such as goldbearing potarite (15). The inclusion suites are dominated by
selenide minerals which are very common in gold grains from
some localities. Sulphide and sulpharsenide inclusions are
absent. In some cases it was possible to deduce from the
compositional variation how a grain had crystallized. The gold
grain chemistry and inclusion types seemed inconsistent with
transport of gold as a bisulphide complex and deposition
within the stability field of sulphide minerals as is postulated for
the majority of types of gold mineralization. However, the
observed features and mineralogy of the grains were
consistent with transport of gold and palladium as chloride
complexes in a solution of high Eh, similar to a model proposed
for the formation of the Coronation Hill U-Au deposits of
Northern Territory, Australia (32). In the case of the Devon gold
mineralization, Leake et al (15) proposed that precipitation of
gold and palladium would take place when Eh was reduced but
still in conditions too oxidising for the precipitation of sulphides
but allowing selenides to form (33, 34).
Although red beds of Permian age with which such
oxidizing solutions were likely to be associated are absent
from all but coastal areas of the South Hams district,
geological reasoning suggested that the original interface
between these rocks and the underlying Devonian rocks was
not far above the present erosion surface. The mineralization
which provided the source of the alluvial gold was thought to
Identification of Alluvial Gold that has been
Dispersed Comparatively Far from its Source
Most of Britain and Ireland has been glaciated. This has had
the effect of enhancing erosion in upland areas and causing
deposition of glacial sediments in more lowland areas,
particularly in valleys at the margins of uplands masses which
housed large glaciers carrying ice from a number of sources.
In the Leadhills region of Scotland, the Snar Water originates
in high ground and flows northwards into a basin filled with
glacial debris which it is currently eroding. Alluvial gold grains
from the upper part of the river are similar to those from the
rest of the Leadhills region and are locally derived. The gold
from the lower reaches of the river differs markedly from that
further upstream. The inclusions in typical Leadhills gold are
predominantly arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and base metal
sulphides with rare cobaltite and gersdorffite. In contrast, the
gold from the lower Snar contains a much greater range of
inclusions including platinum minerals, bismuth tellurides and
copper and other selenides which are not recorded
elsewhere in the Leadhills region (9, 31). In addition, the gold
shows a greater range of silver contents and there are several
grains with copper contents well in excess of those found in
the typical Leadhills gold. The range of gold compositions
and inclusions is not consistent with one single geological
environment of mineralization. It would appear that the
glacial till contains a range of different types of gold derived
from unknown sources, some probably from a considerable
distance away from the Leadhills region. An equally wide
range of gold grain compositions and inclusion type is also
recorded at a site in the upper Tweed basin about 15 km east
of Leadhills where the river is also excavating a basin of glacial
till down to bedrock (9).
A regional study of auriferous drainage in Zimbabwe
included alluvial gold from the Sebakwe river. The population
of 41 grains contains at least 17 different types of opaque
inclusion (28), including, a range of complex copper
minerals, bismuth tellurides and silver minerals, in addition to
pyrite and base metal sulphides. The large variety of mineral
inclusions is significantly greater than normally associated
with gold formed during a single mineralizing event and
suggests that either a single source containing multiple
phases of mineralization or a number of discrete sources
contribute to the alluvial gold in the drainage sediment. The
latter is considered more likely given the large size of the river
and the presence of a number of gold mines with contrasting
mineralogy within its catchment.
Development of a Model for Mineralization Controls
and a Strategy for Exploration
Identification of the inclusion signature of alluvial gold grains
from the South Hams district of Devon, England, proved crucial
in working out a model to explain its origin (15). Many of the
Plate 6
Microchemical map showing distribution of gold in dendritic alluvial
gold/platinoid grain from South Devon. Rainbow scale represents
increasing gold concentration64 Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2
originate by reaction of the gold-bearing oxidizing
solutions circulating within the Permian red bed sequence
and the more reduced rocks below or by reaction with
more reduced solutions associated with these rocks. This
model accounted for decrease in the intensity of
mineralization with depth in structures within the
Devonian strata and also for the complex pattern of
growth zonation in many grains which reflects successive
pulses of mineralizing fluids with differing physical and
chemical properties. In particular the rapid precipitation of
the gold due to abrupt changes in Eh also explained the
highly crystalline and dendritic nature of many of the gold
grains (Plates 3, 6). On the basis of this model, exploration
effort was switched to the Crediton Trough further north in
Devon which is filled with Permian red beds and associated
alkaline basalt and lamprophyric lavas and where there are
many kilometres of sub-cropping contact between the
Permian red beds and underlying more reduced
Carboniferous rocks. It was predicted that gold of the same
type as that found in South Devon should also be in the
Crediton Trough and at its contacts with the surrounding
rocks. Subsequent exploration showed this to be the case
(35) and interpretation of the inclusion assemblage in the
alluvial gold from this area suggested an association with
the alkali basalts which was subsequently proved as a result
of drilling (36).
On the basis of these results, further exploration was
carried out in Scotland in and around Permian red bed basins
containing alkali basalts and this resulted in the discovery of
widespread alluvial gold with palladium enrichment and a
suite of selenide mineral inclusions generally similar to those
found in Devon gold (29).
Regional Surveys of Alluvial Gold
Alluvial gold has been studied from 314 sites in Britain and
Ireland and a regional pattern of the distribution of different
types and the nature of the potential controls of the source
mineralization has been established (8), or is in the process
of being established. It is clear that, although there are
several types of gold present, each can be equated with a
particular geological environment. Moreover, similar gold
is associated with similar geological environments even
when geographically separated. Such a comprehensive
data base is potentially of use, in association with other
information in focusing exploration on a particular type of
gold deemed to have been derived from mineralization
with most potential to be of economic interest. However,
this would only be applicable to mineralization containing
grains of native gold large enough to be isolated and
mounted for analysis.
Though the scale of investigations into alluvial gold from
other countries is minor compared with that of Great Britain
and Ireland, it is clear that comparable data can be obtained.
Microchemical signatures of alluvial gold from Palaeozoic
metasedimentary sequences in Malaysia, south east Australia
and the Klondyke region of Canada are presented in Tables 2
and 3 and are similar to one of the types identified in Britain
and Ireland. The inclusion suite is dominated by base metal
sulphides and sulpharsenides with minor contributions from
either antimony or tellurium-bearing minerals. In contrast,
the inclusion assemblage found in gold from Fiji (Table 2),
(derived from alkali epithermal and porphyry mineralization)
is distinctly different, but similar to that of gold from Borland
Glen in Central Scotland, which is associated with a volcanic
sequence of intermediate composition (37).
1. Different styles of gold mineralization produce gold grains
with different microchemical signatures.
2. The microchemical signature of a population of alluvial
gold grains reflects the mineralogy of the source
3. The technique of microchemical characterization permits
assessment on the nature of source mineralization even
before sources are discovered.
4. Interpretation of the microchemical signature(s) of alluvial
gold help focus attention on types considered to be
derived from mineralization with most potential
economic importance. Information can be obtained at an
early stage in the exploration process.
5. Extensive use of microchemical signatures has provided
new insight into the origins of alluvial gold and the
controls of source mineralization throughout Britain and
Ireland. The same approach has been successfully applied
to problems of origin of alluvial gold in more scattered
areas in many other parts of the world.
Professor Bruce Yardley of the School of Earth Sciences, the
University of Leeds is thanked for providing access to
analytical facilities. We are also indebted to Mr Peter Gower
and Mr John Krenc who kindly donated samples of Australian
and North American gold from their private collections, and
without whose assistance this paper would not have been
possible. We would also like to thank the three anonymous
referees for their helpful suggestions during the review
process. This paper is published by permission of the Director,
British Geological Survey (NERC). Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2 65
About the authors
Rob Chapman graduated as a Minerals Engineer and worked
on the gold mines in South Africa before returning to the UK
to study for a PhD. He joined the University of Leeds in 1990
and began collaboration with Bob Leake on the
characterization of indigenous gold in 1994. He remains an
enthusiastic gold prospector.
Bob Leake graduated from Durham University in 1965
and obtained a PhD after working at the Universities of Oslo
and Durham. He joined the British Geological Survey in
1968 and until retirement in 1997 worked mainly on the
Mineral Reconnaissance Programme and, since 1987,
mostly on gold.
Mike Styles graduated from Swansea University in 1971
and obtained his PhD from Manchester University for regional
studies in northern Norway. He joined the British Geological
Survey in 1976 and has worked for the Mineralogy and
Petrology section on a wide range of mineralization projects.
He is in charge of the BGS electron microprobe laboratories
and started the development of the gold characterization
technique in collaboration with Bob Leake in 1989. Since
then he has applied the technique to many studies of gold
from a wide range of localities.
1 R.W. Boyle, ‘The Geochemistry of Gold and its Deposits’. Geological
Survey of Canada, Bulletin 280, 1979
2 D.E. Roberts and G.R.T. Hudson, Economic Geology, 1983, 78 (5), 799
3 ‘Gold Metallogeny and Exploration’ ed. R.P. Foster, Blackie and Son,
1990, 432pp
4 J.W. Hedenquist, E. Izawa, A. Arribas and N.C. White, ‘Epithermal Gold
Deposits: Styles, Characteristics and Exploration’, Resource Geology
Special Publication Number 1, Society of Resource Geology, 1996
5 J.S. Loen, Economic Geology, 1994, 89, 91
6 I.M. Lange and T. Gignoux, Economic Geology, 1999, 94, 375
7 J.B. Knight, J.K. Mortensen and S.R. Morison, Economic Geology, 1999,
94, 649
8 R.J. Chapman, R.C. Leake, N.R. Moles, G. Earls, C. Cooper, K. Harrington
and R. Berzins, Economic Geology, 2000, 95, 1753
9 R.J. Chapman, R.C. Leake and N.R. Moles, J. Geochemical Exploration,
2000, 71, 241
10 C.R.M. Butt and H. Zeegers, ‘Handbook of Exploration Geochemistry,
Vol.4, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1992, 607pp.
11 M. Shidlowski, Mineralium Deposita, 1968, 3, 344
12 R. Saager, Mineralium Deposita, 1969, 4, 93
13 G.A. Desborough, Economic Geology, 1970, 65, 304
14 R.C. Leake, R.J. Chapman, D.J. Bland, E. Condliffe and M.T. Styles, Trans.
Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (Section B Applied Earth Sciences),
1997, 106, B85
15 R.C. Leake, D.J. Bland, M.T. Styles and D.G. Cameron, Trans. Inst. Mining
and Metallurgy (Section B, Applied Earth Sciences), 1991, 100, B159
16 R.J. Chapman, R.C. Leake and J. Floyd, Scottish Journal of Geology,
2000, 36(2), 165
17 J.S. Loen, Exploration Mining Geology, 1995, 4, 335
18 I. Nichol, M. Hale and W.K. Fletcher, ‘Drainage Geochemistry in Gold
Exploration, in ‘Handbook of Exploration Geochemistry’, 1994, ed,
G.J.S. Govett, Vol. 6, ed. M. Hale and J.A. Plant, Elsevier, 1994, p 499
19 L.M. Lawrance and B.J. Griffin, Mineralium Deposita, 1994, 29, 391
20 R.J. Bowell, Mineralogical Magazine, 1992, 56, 545
21 R.J. Bowell, R.P. Foster and P. Gize, Economic Geology, 1993, 98, 999
22 J.C. Groen, J.R. Craig and J.D. Rimstidt, Canadian Mineralogist, 1990, 12,
23 J. Naden and P.J. Henney, British Geological Survey Technical Report
WC/95/41, 1995
24 M.T. Styles, P.D. Wetton and D.J. Bland, British Geological Survey,
Technical Report WC/95/5, 1995
25 P.J. Henney, M.T. Styles, D.J. Bland and P.D.Wetton, British Geological
Survey, Technical Report WC/94/21, 1994
26 J.B. Knight, J.K. Mortensen and S.R. Morison, ‘Shape and Composition
of Lode and Placer Gold from the Klondike District, Yukon, Canada:
Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and
Northern Affairs, Canada, Bulletin 3, 1994, 142pp
27 R.C. Leake, M.T. Styles, D.J. Bland, P.J. Henney, P.D. Wetton and J. Naden,
British Geological Survey Technical Report WC/95/22, 1995
28 M.T. Styles, British Geological Survey, Technical Report WC/95/38, 1995
29 R.C. Leake, D.G. Cameron, D.J. Bland, M.T. Styles and N. Fortey, ‘The
Potential for Gold Mineralization in the British Permian and Triassic Red
Beds and Their Contact with Underlying Rocks’, British Geological
Survey Mineral Reconnaissance Report 144, 1997
30 M.T. Styles, R.C. Leake, P.J. Henney and D.J. Bland, British Geological
Survey, Technical Report WC/96/13, 1996
31 R.C. Leake, R.J. Chapman, D.J. Bland, P. Stone, D.G. Cameron and M.T.
Styles, J. Exploration Geochemistry, 1998, 63, 7
32 T.P. Mernagh, C.A. Heinrich, J.F. Leckie, D.P. Carville, D.J. Gilbert, R.K.
Valenta and L.Wyborn, Economic Geology, 1994, 85(5) 1053
33 J.E. Hulbert, Open File Report, Geol. Surv. Canada 1440, 1988, 148pp
34 S. Grigore, S.E. Kesler, and E.J. Essene, Economic Geology, 1997, 92 (4),
35 D.G. Cameron, R.C. Leake, R.C. Scrivener, D.J. Bland, and S.H. Marsh,
British Geological Survey, Mineral Reconnaissance Program Report, No.
133, 1994
36 R.C. Scrivener, M.T. Shaw, T.J. Shepherd, C. Smith and M.T. Styles,
Proceedings of the Ussher Society, 1999, 9, 396
37 J.S. Coats, M.H. Shaw, M.J. Gallagher, M. Armstrong, P.C. Greenwood,
B.C. Chacksfield, J.P. Williamson and N.J. Fortey, British Geological Survey
Mineral Reconaissance Programme Report Number 116, 1991, 93pp
38 S.C. Dominy, R.F.G. Phelps, M.A. Bussell, and C.L. Guard, British Mining,
1996, 57, 70
39 G.N. Phillips and M.J. Hughes, Ore Geology Reviews, 1996, 11(5), 255
40 J.H. Youngson and D. Craw, Economic Geology, 1995, 90, 731
41 J.H. Youngson and D. Craw, Economic Geology, 19
as an Exploration
Robert Chapman, Bob Leake and
Mike Styles*
School of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds
LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
*British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Notts NG12 5GG,
United Kingdom
E-mail: aedrjc@LUCS-03.NOVELL.LEEDS.AC.UK
Received: 15 October 2001
There is considerable variation in the composition of
native gold and the nature of minerals co-existing with
it, and this reflects differences in the geological
environment and chemistry of ore-forming processes.
In areas where gold-bearing mineralization is subject
to active fluvial erosion, especially in temperate
climatic regimes, any discrete grains of native gold
pass into alluvial sediment with little modification.
The chemical characteristics of alluvial grains and the
nature of preserved mineral inclusions provide a
signature which points back to the type of source
mineralization. This signature may be established
using electron probe microanalysis and scanning
electron microscopy and can be interpreted to provide
information about the original bedrock mineralization.
Identification of the type of source mineralization
using the technique at an early stage in regional
exploration can help focus attention on targets with
the most potential economic importance.
In nature, gold occurs predominantly as the native metal,
although it is commonly alloyed with highly variable amounts
of other metals; primarily silver, but also mercury, copper and
palladium. It may also occur within common sulphur-rich
minerals such as pyrite and arsenopyrite either as submicroscopic inclusions of native gold or as a minor
component within the lattice of these minerals (1). In a few
occurrences gold may be present primarily in combination
with tellurium in such minerals as calaverite ((Au,Ag)Te2)
rather than as the native metal. There are a wide variety of
types of gold mineralization, influenced by differences in
their geological setting, the chemistry of the ore fluids, and
the nature of their reactions with rocks into which they
penetrate. Characterization and classification of ore deposits
has long been based on assessment of the geological
environment of formation as inferred from structures, and
mineralogical and chemical features observable in the field,
augmented by chemical data. More recently, genetic models
of major deposit types have been formulated as a result of
combining descriptive information with increased
understanding of the physics and chemistry of mineralization
processes obtained from experimental and theoretical work.
The classification of gold deposits has developed
progressively by the application of genetic models and as
new types have been discovered as a result of exploration,
such as the Olympic Dam Cu-Au-U deposit of South Australia
(2). Comprehensive reviews of gold deposit classification
follow after periods of extensive exploration and mineral
deposit research, such as that of Foster (3) in response to the
proliferation of exploration activity in the previous decade.
Variation in chemical parameters, both in environments of
ore fluid generation and ore precipitation, result in a
considerable variety in the mineralogy of gold-bearing ores.
This manifests itself both in the composition of the native
gold alloy and the associated minerals. This variation may
also be seen in comparisons of gold deposits of the same
type, for example Hedenquist et al (4) indicates the range of
minerals associated with some economically important
epithermal gold deposits.
Commonly, minerals which co-exist with native gold in the
source mineralization also occur as microscopic inclusions
within the gold (Plates 1, 2). Grains of native gold are
chemically stable within most, but not all, environments on
the Earth’s surface, and thus gold grains liberated from the
hypogene ore are normally unchanged on passing from
bedrock into superficial sediments as a result of weathering
and erosion. Evidence for the ability of gold to form an
effective barrier between inclusions and the atmosphere is
provided by the case of an alluvial grain from Ecuador which
contained large (200µm) complex multiple telluride
inclusions. The inclusions were observed to have suffered
marked oxidation and hydration in less than 3 weeks54 Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2
following preparation of the polished block and exposure to
the atmosphere in the laboratory.
Some grains, especially those rich in silver, may show
compositional modification of the outer part but even then a
relict grain core that retains its original composition and
inclusions is commonly recognizable (5 – 9). However, in
areas which have suffered long and intensive periods of
lateritic weathering, native gold may have completely
recrystallized, so as to reflect this environment rather than
that of the original source mineralization (10).
The search for bedrock gold deposits has historically
involved systematic searches for alluvial gold in river gravels
and the sampling of drainage sediment remains an
important activity within the suite of modern exploration
techniques. Gold concentrations can be determined directly
by chemical assay of various size fractions or other
components, including a heavy mineral fraction obtained by
panning. Panning allows the visual detection of grains of
native gold directly in the field which in many cases leads to
the location of bedrock mineralization. However, there have
also been fruitless searches for the source of alluvial
concentrations of native gold. This paper describes how the
microchemical characterization of a number of alluvial gold
grains from a given site can provide information at an early
stage in the exploration process that permits informed
speculation about the type or types or mineralization from
which the alluvial gold is derived.
Many workers have investigated the link between the
composition of alluvial native gold grains and potential
sources, examples being studies of Witwatersrand gold (11,
12), and gold from the Yukon (7). Desborough (13) first
suggested the potential of mineral inclusions within the gold
as an aid to distinguishing between alluvial gold from
different sources. However, the work of the present authors,
which is summarised here (and augmented by previously
unpublished data for localities in North America and
Australia), represents the first studies to systematically record
the mineral inclusion assemblages and to generate
classifications of gold grain chemistry which combine this
information with that of the gold alloy composition. The
resulting ‘microchemical signature’ provides a more powerful
technique for interpreting the origin of alluvial gold than gold
alloy composition alone, because the composition of native
gold grains can vary from point to point within the same
mineralized structure (9). This work has been undertaken for
a period of over 15 years during which over 20,000 gold
grains from 314 localities in Great Britain and Ireland,
together with other sites in North America, South America,
southern Africa, Australia, south east Asia, and Fiji, have been
studied. A wide range of compositional variation in alluvial
gold grains has been observed reflecting differences in the
Plate 1
Alluvial gold grain from the Crediton Trough, Devon containing many
microscopic inclusions of selenide minerals
Plate 2
Alluvial gold grain from Ximena area of Ecuador containing relatively
large complex inclusion of CuAg sulphotelluride (dark grey), Bi metal
(pale grey) and a Bi+Cu+Au alloy (pink)
Figure 1
Worldwide locations of sites discussed in the text. 1: Klondyke District,
Yukon Territory, Canada, 2: Ximena Province, Ecuador, 3: Mberengwa
District, Zimbabwe, 4: Lubuk Mandi, Malaysia, 5: Victoria goldfield,
Australia, 6: Wainmanu River, Fiji, 7: Localities in Great Britain and Ireland
detailed in Figure 2Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2 55
style and geological environment of the host mineralization.
Sufficient native gold obtained from bedrock and alluvial
sources in Great Britain and Ireland has been studied to
provide country-wide perspectives of the different types of
gold mineralization present. Where possible, alluvial gold has
been studied from several other parts of the world where the
gold mineralization is of greater economic significance and
which differ from the British Isles both geologically and
Table 1 Location and References for Sites Described in the Text
Country/Region Detail of Locality Geological Setting of Geomorphological/Climatic Reference
Gold Mineralization Description of Locality
Great Britain
and Ireland
Southern Scotland Leadhills area Metasediments, Southern Upland area, cool temperate climate 31
Uplands Terrain
Southern Scotland Tweed headwaters Metasediments, Southern Upland area, cool temperate climate 14
Uplands Terrain
Southern Scotland Glengaber Burn Metasediments, Southern Upland area, cool temperate climate 16
Uplands Terrain
Central Scotland Borland Glen, Ochil Hills Acid-intermdiate volcanic Upland area, cool temperate climate 37
Northern Scotland Sutherland area, Cononish Metasediments Grampian Upland area, cool temperate climate 8, 14
R., Glengarry, West Water, Terrain
Calliacher Burn, Glen Lednock
Northern Ireland R. Bann, Mourne Mountains Metasediments, Southern Upland area, cool temperate climate 8
Uplands Terrain
Ireland Co Mayo Metasediments, Southern Upland area, cool temperate climate 8
Uplands Terrain
Ireland Balwoges, Co Donegal Brecciated pipe and Upland area, cool temperate climate 8
volcanic boss
England, Devon South Hams District Red bed associated Lowland area, cool temperate climate 15, 35
England, Devon Crediton Trough Red bed and alkali basalt Lowland area, cool temperate climate 36
Wales, Dolgellau Gwynfynnydd Mine Metasediments Upland area, cool temperate climate 9, 38
Gold Belt
Mberengwa District ‘C’ Mine Greenstone Belt Deep tropical weathering, slow erosion, 24
semi-arid climate
Sebakwe River Greenstone Belt Deep tropical weathering, 24
slow erosion, semi-arid climate
North America
Klondyke District, Bonanza Creek Metasediments Upland area, sub arctic climate 7, 26
Yukon Territory Bear Creek
Hunker Creek
Ballarat Goldfield, Dolly Creek, Violet Town Metasediments Temperate rain forest 39
Walhalla Goldfield, Jordan River, Woods Point Metasediments Temperate rain forest 39
Lubuk Mandi Metasediments Steep relief, rapid erosion, tropical 25
rainforest with waterlogged soils
Emperor Mine Alkali-epithermal Tropical rain forest 23
Wainmanu River Porpyry+ alkali epithermal Tropical rain forest 23
Catopaxi province Valetanga High altitude rain forest, no tropical 30
Perros Bravos56 Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2
climatically, but much more work is required to cover the
whole range of mineralization types.
The geographical distribution of the gold localities
referred to in the text are provided in Figures 1 and 2, and
descriptions of the host environments of the gold
mineralization are provided in Table 1.
Determination of the Microchemical
Signature of Alluvial Gold Grains
The size of the population of grains studied from each
locality is dependent upon the abundance of opaque
inclusions within the grain. The proportion of sectioned gold
grains containing identifiable opaque inclusions varies widely
but in Britain and Ireland, they are typically found in about
20% of the grains (8), so a population of 30 grains is usually
sufficient to generate useful information. Where the
incidence of inclusions is lower and where multiple sources of
alluvial gold contribute to the alluvial population, a
correspondingly greater number of grains is required. This is
rarely a problem in mining areas, but the collection of even
30 alluvial gold grains from some areas where mineralization
is sparse or remote from drainage may be difficult and
specialized field techniques have been developed for this
purpose (14).
Prior to the mounting of gold grains in epoxy resin for
grinding down and polishing, observations can be made on
their size and shape. In a few cases grains with intricate
shapes or surface textures may be present in alluvial
sediment. At a few sites in South Devon (SW England),
dendritic grains (Plate 3) were recorded in the alluvial
sediment (15), very similar in form and composition to gold
occurring in carbonate veins exposed on the coast at Hopes
Nose near Torquay (Devon, SW England). Dendritic grains
cannot survive more than a trivial amount of transport before
dendrite spikes are folded around the core of the grain. Thus,
their presence in alluvial sediment indicates very close
proximity to a bedrock source.
After polishing, grains are examined by scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) to
determine the concentrations of alloying elements (Ag, Cu,
Hg, Pd, Sn) within the gold and the nature of the inclusion
suite. Details of the experimental procedures are given in
reference 8.
Mineral inclusions are of two types: opaque minerals, such
as sulphides and sulpharsenides and translucent minerals,
most commonly quartz and carbonates. In general, the
opaque mineral assemblage is more useful in characterizing
the type of source mineralization, although in some cases
translucent minerals suggest the presence of specific types
of mineralization, eg calcium-rich garnets and wollastonite
may be indicative of skarn mineralization. The opaque
mineral inclusion suite is reported in terms of the various
mineral classes, ie sulphides, sulpharsenides and arsenides,
sulphosalts and antimonides, tellurides and selenides which
reflect ore composition in terms of Groups Vb and VIb
elements. The classification of the inclusion assemblage is
Figure 2
Locations of gold deposits in Britain and Ireland mentioned in the text.
Scotland, N. Highland and Grampian Terriane: 1: Sutherland, 2: Glen
Garry, 3: Cononish River, 4: Glen Lednock, 5: Calliacher Burn, 6: West
Water, 7: Borland Glen, 8: Leadhills Region, 9: Tweed Headwaters, 10:
Glengaber Burn, 11: Gwynfynydd Mine, Dolgellau Gold Belt, 12: Crediton
Trough, Devon, 13: South Hams District, Devon, 14: River Bann, Mourne
Mountains, 15: Balwoges, Donegal, 16: Co Mayo
Plate 3
Dendritic gold grain from alluvium in South Devon. A thin rim made of
Pt-rich alloys coats the gold grainGold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2 57
made in terms of the rough proportions of individual
inclusions corresponding to the mineral classes. In a few
cases the presence of specific or unusual inclusions may
contribute significantly to the microchemical signature. For
example, gold from Balwoges, a locality in Northern Ireland,
contained a high proportion of copper sulphide inclusions,
which are generally very rare (8). In other cases a distinctive
inclusion suite may be restricted to populations of alluvial
gold grains from specific sites within an auriferous region,
and this may be indicative of a particular mineralizing event.
For example, a study of the Glengaber Burn area in Southern
Scotland showed that gold from the richest alluvial locality
contained inclusions of tetrahedrite and sphalerite which
were absent in alluvial gold from nearby rivers (16), despite
the gold alloy compositions being broadly similar throughout
the study area. A study of alluvial gold from three adjacent
auriferous rivers draining the Dolgellau Gold Belt in North
Wales also showed different inclusion assemblages in each
case. One assemblage comprised sulphides and
sulpharsenides whilst 40% of the inclusions from another
were tellurium-bearing minerals. The third population was
distinguished both by the presence of molybdenite inclusions
and by a mean silver content in the gold alloy 15% higher
than recorded for gold from the adjacent rivers (9).
The composition of a population of gold grains in terms of
their silver content (and where appropriate other metals) is
represented using a plot of the type presented in Figure 3.
Each gold grain is represented as a percentile and plotted
against increasing silver content. In this way, populations of
differing numbers of grains may be compared directly. Figure
3 compares silver contents of gold grains extracted from
mineralization intersected in drill core with grains extracted
from nearby alluvial sediment in the Lubuk Mandi area of the
Malaysia peninsular. The significance of the shapes of the
plots is discussed further below.
The microchemical signature of a population of gold
grains is derived from combining the chemical description of
the inclusion assemblage with the quantitative data
describing alloy composition. Broad differences between
gold formed in different geological environments are readily
apparent (8). Examples are presented in Table 2 which
summarizes the chemical characteristics of composite
populations of gold grains from Scotland and Ireland. Gold
from the Tweed headwaters and Glengaber Burn area in
Scotland is generally similar to that from Co Mayo in Ireland
both in terms of silver content and inclusion assemblage,
although approximately 200km apart, both lie within the
same geological terrain. However, gold from the Leadhills
region, also in the Scottish Southern Uplands terrain exhibits
a different signature, with a far higher proportion of arsenicbearing minerals in the inclusion assemblage. Gold from the
Grampian terrain in Scotland and Northern Ireland is
Comparison of Inclusion Assemblages from Gold Localities Table 2
Locality/ Localities Contributing No Median Inclusion Assemblage Characterized Diagnostic Minerals Within
Sample Sets to Composite Samples Grains Ag % by Mineral Class the Inclusion Assemblage
% % % % Gold hosted by
Sulphides Sulpharsenides Sulphosalts Tellurides meta sediments
Mayo, Ireland Cregganbaun Shear 233 8.9 90 6 4 2 Sphalerite, tetrahedrite
Zone, Croagh Patrick
Southern Scotland Glengaber area 335 7.0-7.8 71 17 6 0 Sphalerite, tetrahedrite
Tweed headwaters
Southern Scotland Leadhills 500 10.6 51 49 0 0
Northern Scotland Sutherland area, Cononish R., 465 9.7-28 81 19 0 4
Glengarry, West Water,
Calliacher Burn, Glen Lednock
Malaysian gold Lubuk Mandi, 1829-10.7 75 23 1 1
Yukon gold Bear, Hunker and 83 15-33 59 41 0 3
Bonanza Creeks
Australian gold Dolly Creek, Jordan River 70 3.2 -8.2 68 20 12 0
Gold associated
with volcanics
Fijian gold Waimanu River 46 5-18% 63 0 0 37 Bismuth tellurides
Central Scotland Borland Glen 50 6.4 60 0 0 40 Bismuth tellurides58 Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2
are unstable in an oxygenated fluvial environment and thus
would decompose if deformation of the gold allows contact
with air and water (17). However, for transport distances
typical of alluvial gold from Britain and Ireland the host grains
provide effective barriers to decomposition of inclusions as
witnessed by the wide range of mineral species which are
unstable in oxygenated surficial environments (eg galena,
pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite).
The formation of mineral inclusions by mechanical
embedding into the grain surface is another mechanism by
which the signature of alluvial gold could be altered.
However, the typical size of inclusions (2-20µm) is much
smaller than grains of the same minerals in the host
mineralization and such grains would be particularly unstable
in oxygenated fluvial environments. If mechanical
incorporation of mineral grains into gold in the alluvial
environment was prevalent, the most common mineral in
alluvial sediment, generally quartz, would be expected to be
most abundant and yet in most of the 20,000+ alluvial gold
grains studied it is absent.
A population of gold grains can be augmented or even
replaced by the addition of authigenic gold, that is gold
precipitating from solution in the surficial environment. This
can result in the formation of additional discrete gold grains
or coatings on the original grains. The degree to which
authigenic gold contributes to a population of gold grains is
governed by the prevailing climate and geomorphology of
the location (18). Authigenic gold may be important in some
tropical environments where chemically aggressive
groundwaters can alter the profile of gold distribution over
long periods of time. This process is important in Australia
(19), Ghana (20, 21) and various other tropical localities
referred to by Nichol et al (18). Complete re-mobilization of
gold will obliterate the textures and chemical signature of the
original hypogene gold, however textures characteristic of
authigenic gold such as crystalline form or extensive
modification around the grain core are identifiable by SEM
methods (40). Consequently an evaluation of the degree of
modification to the population of alluvial gold is possible as
part of the analytical procedure.
Studies of gold from Britain and Ireland (8, 9), North
America (5 – 7), and New Zealand (41) failed to identify any
evidence for augmentation of the alluvial population by
authigenic processes, and the internal characteristics of the
gold grains were considered consistent with those from the
hypogene source. These results give a strong indication that
for alluvial gold in temperate climates the contribution of
authigenic gold is negligible, although many grains exhibit
gold rich rims typically to a thickness of about 10 µm, which
have been attributed to a process of silver depletion (22).
In studies of gold from Fiji (23), Zimbabwe (24), Malaysia
(25), and the Victoria goldfield in Australia, the full range of
generally of higher silver content than gold from the
Southern Uplands and exhibits a tellurium signature in the
inclusion assemblage absent in gold found to the south.
The technique is highly reproducible in terms of both
sampling and analysis (9). The microchemical signature of
gold from an area in the Leadhills district of Southern
Scotland is independent of the field sampler, the date of
collection and the exact location of the sampling site. In
addition, the same microchemical signature was obtained
using very similar analytical facilities but different analytical
procedures in two separate laboratories.
Factors Modifying the Microchemical
Signature of Alluvial Gold
The success of the microchemical characterization technique
as an exploration tool depends on a close relationship
between the microchemical signature of alluvial gold and the
characteristics of the source mineralization. There are two
ways in which the microchemical signature of a population of
gold grains can be altered by post-liberation processes in the
secondary environment: either by modification within the
fluvial environment or by the addition of authigenic gold, and
both are considered below.
The opaque mineral inclusion assemblage may become
more difficult to identify with increased transport in the
fluvial environment as most of the opaque mineral inclusions
20 40 60 80 100
Lubuk Mandi core 1
Lubuk Mandi core 2
Lubuk Mandi alluvial
% Ag
Cumulative %
Figure 3
Comparison of silver contents of gold grains from drill core and nearby
alluvial sediment Lubuk Mandi, MalaysiaGold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2 59
Relationship between Microchemical
Signature of Alluvial Gold and Source
Bedrock Gold
The close correspondence between minerals coexisting with
hypogene gold in bedrock and the nature of inclusions within
alluvial gold from nearby rivers was reported for all nine Irish
and Scottish sites studied by Chapman et al (8) and for gold
from Malaysia (27). In each case there is good agreement
between the inclusions in alluvial gold, inclusions in gold
extracted from bedrock (5 examples) and the nature of
minerals coexisting with hypogene gold in the bedrock
mineralization revealed by mineralogical study. Minor
differences probably reflect the presence of additional
sources of mineralization in the drainage catchment.
Populations of gold grains from both drill core of the
bedrock source and alluvial sediment some 1-2 kms downhill
in the Lubuk Mandi area of Malaysia are compared in Figure 3
(data from Henney et al, reference 25). The gold extracted
from the core exhibits two main silver contents (8.5% and
10.5%) both of which are well within the range of silver
contents of the alluvial gold. Such a simple relationship
between bedrock gold and adjacent alluvial gold indicates
that the mineralization is probably relatively uniform in
composition with the alluvial site close to the source.
There are commonly differences between the
composition of gold grains extracted from hand specimens
20 40 60 80 100
Soil sample
Table concentrate
Mine specimen
% Ag
Cumulative %
Figure 4
Comparison of silver contents of gold grains extracted from a hand
specimen of ore from the ‘C’ mine in Zimbabwe, a mine table
concentrate, a soil sample and nearby alluvial sediment
inclusions found in alluvial gold from Britain have been
observed, showing that preservation of the original features
of gold grains as they pass into the fluvial environment is also
possible in other climatic regions. However in some cases
there is evidence for some post-depositional alteration of
gold grains. Plate 4 shows a gold grain from the Mazowe area
of Zimbabwe which shows the alteration of primary silver-rich
gold to pure gold. Gold from Hunker Creek in the Klondike
district of North America differs from grains from other
Klondike localities studied by the authors in that they exhibit
relatively large (up to 200 µm) rims typically containing up to
5% silver (Plate 5) with single or multiple cores containing 15-
25% silver. Knight et al (26) also observed similar features in
gold from this locality and interpreted the texture as
indicative of silver depletion rather than the deposition of
new authigenic gold.
Plate 4
Alluvial gold grain from Mazowe area of Zimbabwe showing alteration
of primary silver-rich gold (pale yellow) to secondary pure gold (deep
Plate 5
Back-scattered electron image of alluvial gold grain from Hunker Creek,
Yukon showing irregular rim and patches (pale) of gold-rich gold
around electrum60 Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2
Gold grains from Hunker and Bear Creeks exhibit similar
ranges of silver contents (Figure 5) with small numbers of low
silver grains possibly representing separate populations,
whereas the Bonanza Creek sample shows a completely
different type of plot with a break in slope suggesting two
contributing populations. The composition of Bonanza Creek
gold is consistent with its derivation from two known lode-gold
sources upstream (Lone Star and Pioneer), while that from
Hunker and Bear Creeks is far closer to the composition of gold
from the Virgin Lode in the Bear Creek area. This geographical
correlation implies that gold in the Klondyke valleys is generally
close to source. Knight et al (7) reported that the vein
mineralogy of lodes throughout the region is dominated by
base metal sulphides and arsenopyrite and during this study
inclusions of galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite were
observed in alluvial gold with silver contents of over 20% which
suggests that this type of gold is derived from a number of
related sources of mineralization. An inclusion of hessite
((Ag,Au)2Te) was recorded in the population of low-silver (15%
Ag) gold from Bonanza Creek which raises the possibility of an
additional unrecorded bedrock source to that from the Lone
Star lode. These data suggest that a more detailed knowledge
of the inclusion signature of the alluvial gold in the region in
addition to the gold alloy composition would greatly help in
establishing the relationship between bedrock and alluvial gold.
The potential to correlate the inclusion assemblage of alluvial
gold grains with their range of silver and other metal contents
Hunker Creek
Bonanza Creek
Beer Creek
Lone Star Load,
Bonanza Creek
Virgin Lode,
Bear Creek area
Single analysis for
Pioneer Lode
Bonanza Creek
Data from
Knight et al
% Ag
Cumulative %
0 2 0 40 60 80 100
Figure 5
Comparison of silver contents of alluvial gold grains from different
localities in the Klondike, Yukon
of ore and from mine shaking tables. At the ‘C’ mine
Mberengwa district near Zvishvane in Zimbabwe, gold occurs
in shear zone hosted quartz veins. Coarse, easily visible gold
is rare and analysis of grains extracted from a sample
provided by the mine manager (24, 28) shows little variation
in composition about a 10% Ag level (Figure 4). Most of the
gold in the producing veins is much finer grained and a
sample of the production from the shaking table showed a
much greater range of silver contents (10-20% Ag, Figure 4).
Similarly, Chapman et al (9) who showed that gold from hand
specimens of ore from the Gwynfynydd Gold Mine in North
Wales are not necessarily representative of the gold from
throughout the mineralization.
Gold grains were also extracted from a soil sample
collected from the area above the main vein system at the ‘C’
mine and from alluvial sediment in a small river approximately
2 km from the mine, though this had some other small mines
also within its catchment. The soil gold shows two populations
(Figure 4), a small one with silver around 10% and thus similar
to the hand specimen, and a larger population with between
20 and 30% silver, outside the range in the shaking table
sample of deep mine ore. The alluvial sample shows multiple
populations that reflect all the samples collected at the mine,
a dominant group which corresponds to the mine shaking
table gold, and a minor population with higher silver which is
similar to that shown by the soil sample. The alluvial sample
thus provides a representative sample of gold grains in
environments where there is a considerable range in
composition of the native gold in the mineralization.
In some areas where alluvial gold is of significant economic
interest the precise relationship between placer gold and the
source mineralization may be more difficult to establish. Knight
et al (7, 26) undertook an extensive study of the chemical
composition of both alluvial and lode gold from the Klondike
district in an attempt to clarify the discrepancy between the
amount of alluvial gold won from the region with the potential
of known lode gold occurrences. They determined the
chemical composition of the cores of 2,700 gold grains in terms
of silver, mercury and copper content and were able to
characterize the populations of alluvial gold in the various
valleys according to the characteristics of different types of
known lode gold. In addition they predicted that some types of
gold in the alluvial populations were derived from unknown
bedrock sources. In the present study, a more modest number
of alluvial gold grains from this region have been analysed, but
inclusion assemblages have been identified in addition to
concentrations of the minor alloying elements. Figure 5 shows
silver plots for alluvial gold obtained from Bonanza Creek,
Hunker Creek and Bear Creek together with information on the
composition of local lode gold from Knight et al (26). Further
comparative information is presented in Table 3 which shows
close agreement between the two data sets.Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2 61
Northern Ireland, distinct silver-rich populations can be
recognized on cumulative silver content plots (8, 14). In each
case an inclusion suite in the silver-rich population is completely
different from inclusions in the lower silver populations.
A similar scenario with potentially important economic
significance is provided by alluvial gold grains from the
Waimanu River in Fiji. Two distinct populations can be
recognized on the basis of silver content (Figure 6) which also
differ in their inclusion suites (23). The lower silver population
(< 13% Ag) is probably derived from a porphyry-type source
which is known within the catchment. The higher silver
population contains a range of telluride inclusions which are
absent in the lower silver gold but are similar to those in gold
from a mine table concentrate from the Emperor gold mine.
As the range in silver content is also similar it is possible that
this type of alluvial gold in the Waimanu River is derived from
undiscovered alkali-epithermal style mineralization similar to
that worked at the Emperor gold mine.
Applications of the Technique to
Exploration for Gold Mineralization
The Search for a Specific Style of Gold Mineralization
Alluvial gold is widespread in Northern Ireland and in one part
the local geology suggested the presence of skarn
mineralization (9). However, interpretation of the
microchemical signatures of alluvial gold samples from the
area shows that all the gold grains correspond to the two
major types of mineralization further south, neither of which
is of the skarn type. In addition, the microchemical signatures
is important in the identification of multiple sources. Whilst
there may be overlap in silver contents between two
contributing types, in most cases the inclusion assemblages are
distinct. In alluvial gold from Shortcleugh Water, Leadhills,
Scotland and from the River Bann in the Mourne Mountains of
% Ag
Cumulative %
0 2 0 40 60 80 100
Figure 6
Two populations of alluvial gold grains from the Waimanu River, Fiji
revealed by silver content and associated inclusions
Table 3 Comparison of Gold Samples from The Klondike district, Yukon Territory
Locality %Ag Range %Hg Inclusion Assemblage*
%Sulphides %Sulpharsenides %Tellurides
Bonanza Creek
Alluvial * 1. 12-16 1. 0 1. 80 1. 0 1. 20
2. 20-46 2. 0 2. 67 2. 33 2. 0
14-24 0.3
Lone Star 1. 14-17 0.008
2. 14-19 0.016
Pioneer 23.4 0
Bear Creek
Alluvial * 20-36 0.37 100 0 0
Upper: 30-420.39
Lower 28-36 0.49
Virgin 28-34 0.54
Hunker Creek
Alluvial * 28-38 0.2 38 62 0
18-28 0.03
* Data from present study
Data from Knight et al (reference 26)62 Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2
micrometres thick. Second, microanalysis of the cores of the
grains showed that there were large differences in silver
content of gold between the two areas (Figure 7).
The gold from Veletanga is largely high-silver gold while
that from Perros Bravos has much less silver. A division at 11%
Ag separates roughly 90% of the gold from the sites,
indicating that there are two different populations of gold.
There are also differences in the spread of values within each
site; Veletanga has a relatively narrow range with most in the
range 12-17% Ag, while Perros Bravos shows a much more
even spread of compositions.
There are also differences between the suites of microinclusions in the gold from the two areas. This can be
demonstrated by comparing the composition of the host
gold for the main varieties of inclusion on cumulative
frequency curves (Figure 8). This demonstrates that most of
the inclusion types, such as pyrite, galena and pyrrhotite occur
in both types of gold but bismuth-rich tellurides and copper
minerals are confined to the Perros Bravos type of gold.
The two different types of gold in the Estero Hondo
alluvial gold mine are associated with different parts of the
catchment area. A drilling programme showed that there
was a significant skarn deposit in the Veletanga area but a
bedrock source was not located in the Perros Bravos area. It
was concluded that this source had probably largely been
eroded away, which would also account for its greatest
abundance in the lowermost gravels of the mine.
suggest that the alluvial gold was derived from a series of
small sources of mineralization of these types, and not from
glacially dispersed material derived from a large source
further south. This result emphasizes that even a negative
result is of potential value in an exploration context, as
microchemical signatures of the alluvial gold allow informed
evaluation of the prospect relatively cheaply and quickly at an
early stage in the exploration.
Identification of Multiple Sources of Different Types
of Gold within a Region
The Estero Hondo alluvial gold mine is situated in western
Ecuador, at the foot of the Andes in Catopaxi province (30).
The mine was operated by Odin Mining in the 1990’s who
also carried out exploration for bedrock gold deposits in the
area. Odin Mining geologists had noticed that the alluvial
gold on one side of the valley (Valetanga) tended to be bright
and angular, whilst that on the other side (Perros Bravos)
tended to be more rounded, darker and duller. Odin Mining
wanted to know if this indicated two possible sources of
bedrock gold or if it was due to processes acting in the
secondary environment.
Styles et al (30) carried out a gold characterization study
of samples from the Estero Hondo catchment area. This
study showed first that the differences in the appearance of
the alluvial gold were not due to variable amounts of
secondary alteration as for both populations this was
restricted to thin rims around the grains generally only a few
% Ag
Cumulative %
0 2 0 40 60 80
Figure 7
Comparison of silver contents of alluvial gold from two areas in the
Ximena area of Ecuador
Perros Bravos
Bi-rich tellurides
Cu minerals
type 1
type 2
20 0 40 60 80 100
Figure 8
Comparison of silver contents of alluvial gold grains from the Ximena
area of Ecuador containing different types of inclusionsGold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2 63
gold grains from the area show complex patterns of chemical
compositional variation (Plate 6). Palladium occurs as a minor
alloy within the gold up to 11.9%, as inclusions of palladiumbearing minerals such as potarite, (PdHg), within gold grains
and as discrete palladium-bearing minerals such as goldbearing potarite (15). The inclusion suites are dominated by
selenide minerals which are very common in gold grains from
some localities. Sulphide and sulpharsenide inclusions are
absent. In some cases it was possible to deduce from the
compositional variation how a grain had crystallized. The gold
grain chemistry and inclusion types seemed inconsistent with
transport of gold as a bisulphide complex and deposition
within the stability field of sulphide minerals as is postulated for
the majority of types of gold mineralization. However, the
observed features and mineralogy of the grains were
consistent with transport of gold and palladium as chloride
complexes in a solution of high Eh, similar to a model proposed
for the formation of the Coronation Hill U-Au deposits of
Northern Territory, Australia (32). In the case of the Devon gold
mineralization, Leake et al (15) proposed that precipitation of
gold and palladium would take place when Eh was reduced but
still in conditions too oxidising for the precipitation of sulphides
but allowing selenides to form (33, 34).
Although red beds of Permian age with which such
oxidizing solutions were likely to be associated are absent
from all but coastal areas of the South Hams district,
geological reasoning suggested that the original interface
between these rocks and the underlying Devonian rocks was
not far above the present erosion surface. The mineralization
which provided the source of the alluvial gold was thought to
Identification of Alluvial Gold that has been
Dispersed Comparatively Far from its Source
Most of Britain and Ireland has been glaciated. This has had
the effect of enhancing erosion in upland areas and causing
deposition of glacial sediments in more lowland areas,
particularly in valleys at the margins of uplands masses which
housed large glaciers carrying ice from a number of sources.
In the Leadhills region of Scotland, the Snar Water originates
in high ground and flows northwards into a basin filled with
glacial debris which it is currently eroding. Alluvial gold grains
from the upper part of the river are similar to those from the
rest of the Leadhills region and are locally derived. The gold
from the lower reaches of the river differs markedly from that
further upstream. The inclusions in typical Leadhills gold are
predominantly arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and base metal
sulphides with rare cobaltite and gersdorffite. In contrast, the
gold from the lower Snar contains a much greater range of
inclusions including platinum minerals, bismuth tellurides and
copper and other selenides which are not recorded
elsewhere in the Leadhills region (9, 31). In addition, the gold
shows a greater range of silver contents and there are several
grains with copper contents well in excess of those found in
the typical Leadhills gold. The range of gold compositions
and inclusions is not consistent with one single geological
environment of mineralization. It would appear that the
glacial till contains a range of different types of gold derived
from unknown sources, some probably from a considerable
distance away from the Leadhills region. An equally wide
range of gold grain compositions and inclusion type is also
recorded at a site in the upper Tweed basin about 15 km east
of Leadhills where the river is also excavating a basin of glacial
till down to bedrock (9).
A regional study of auriferous drainage in Zimbabwe
included alluvial gold from the Sebakwe river. The population
of 41 grains contains at least 17 different types of opaque
inclusion (28), including, a range of complex copper
minerals, bismuth tellurides and silver minerals, in addition to
pyrite and base metal sulphides. The large variety of mineral
inclusions is significantly greater than normally associated
with gold formed during a single mineralizing event and
suggests that either a single source containing multiple
phases of mineralization or a number of discrete sources
contribute to the alluvial gold in the drainage sediment. The
latter is considered more likely given the large size of the river
and the presence of a number of gold mines with contrasting
mineralogy within its catchment.
Development of a Model for Mineralization Controls
and a Strategy for Exploration
Identification of the inclusion signature of alluvial gold grains
from the South Hams district of Devon, England, proved crucial
in working out a model to explain its origin (15). Many of the
Plate 6
Microchemical map showing distribution of gold in dendritic alluvial
gold/platinoid grain from South Devon. Rainbow scale represents
increasing gold concentration64 Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2
originate by reaction of the gold-bearing oxidizing
solutions circulating within the Permian red bed sequence
and the more reduced rocks below or by reaction with
more reduced solutions associated with these rocks. This
model accounted for decrease in the intensity of
mineralization with depth in structures within the
Devonian strata and also for the complex pattern of
growth zonation in many grains which reflects successive
pulses of mineralizing fluids with differing physical and
chemical properties. In particular the rapid precipitation of
the gold due to abrupt changes in Eh also explained the
highly crystalline and dendritic nature of many of the gold
grains (Plates 3, 6). On the basis of this model, exploration
effort was switched to the Crediton Trough further north in
Devon which is filled with Permian red beds and associated
alkaline basalt and lamprophyric lavas and where there are
many kilometres of sub-cropping contact between the
Permian red beds and underlying more reduced
Carboniferous rocks. It was predicted that gold of the same
type as that found in South Devon should also be in the
Crediton Trough and at its contacts with the surrounding
rocks. Subsequent exploration showed this to be the case
(35) and interpretation of the inclusion assemblage in the
alluvial gold from this area suggested an association with
the alkali basalts which was subsequently proved as a result
of drilling (36).
On the basis of these results, further exploration was
carried out in Scotland in and around Permian red bed basins
containing alkali basalts and this resulted in the discovery of
widespread alluvial gold with palladium enrichment and a
suite of selenide mineral inclusions generally similar to those
found in Devon gold (29).
Regional Surveys of Alluvial Gold
Alluvial gold has been studied from 314 sites in Britain and
Ireland and a regional pattern of the distribution of different
types and the nature of the potential controls of the source
mineralization has been established (8), or is in the process
of being established. It is clear that, although there are
several types of gold present, each can be equated with a
particular geological environment. Moreover, similar gold
is associated with similar geological environments even
when geographically separated. Such a comprehensive
data base is potentially of use, in association with other
information in focusing exploration on a particular type of
gold deemed to have been derived from mineralization
with most potential to be of economic interest. However,
this would only be applicable to mineralization containing
grains of native gold large enough to be isolated and
mounted for analysis.
Though the scale of investigations into alluvial gold from
other countries is minor compared with that of Great Britain
and Ireland, it is clear that comparable data can be obtained.
Microchemical signatures of alluvial gold from Palaeozoic
metasedimentary sequences in Malaysia, south east Australia
and the Klondyke region of Canada are presented in Tables 2
and 3 and are similar to one of the types identified in Britain
and Ireland. The inclusion suite is dominated by base metal
sulphides and sulpharsenides with minor contributions from
either antimony or tellurium-bearing minerals. In contrast,
the inclusion assemblage found in gold from Fiji (Table 2),
(derived from alkali epithermal and porphyry mineralization)
is distinctly different, but similar to that of gold from Borland
Glen in Central Scotland, which is associated with a volcanic
sequence of intermediate composition (37).
1. Different styles of gold mineralization produce gold grains
with different microchemical signatures.
2. The microchemical signature of a population of alluvial
gold grains reflects the mineralogy of the source
3. The technique of microchemical characterization permits
assessment on the nature of source mineralization even
before sources are discovered.
4. Interpretation of the microchemical signature(s) of alluvial
gold help focus attention on types considered to be
derived from mineralization with most potential
economic importance. Information can be obtained at an
early stage in the exploration process.
5. Extensive use of microchemical signatures has provided
new insight into the origins of alluvial gold and the
controls of source mineralization throughout Britain and
Ireland. The same approach has been successfully applied
to problems of origin of alluvial gold in more scattered
areas in many other parts of the world.
Professor Bruce Yardley of the School of Earth Sciences, the
University of Leeds is thanked for providing access to
analytical facilities. We are also indebted to Mr Peter Gower
and Mr John Krenc who kindly donated samples of Australian
and North American gold from their private collections, and
without whose assistance this paper would not have been
possible. We would also like to thank the three anonymous
referees for their helpful suggestions during the review
process. This paper is published by permission of the Director,
British Geological Survey (NERC). Gold Bulletin 2002 • 35/2 65
About the authors
Rob Chapman graduated as a Minerals Engineer and worked
on the gold mines in South Africa before returning to the UK
to study for a PhD. He joined the University of Leeds in 1990
and began collaboration with Bob Leake on the
characterization of indigenous gold in 1994. He remains an
enthusiastic gold prospector.
Bob Leake graduated from Durham University in 1965
and obtained a PhD after working at the Universities of Oslo
and Durham. He joined the British Geological Survey in
1968 and until retirement in 1997 worked mainly on the
Mineral Reconnaissance Programme and, since 1987,
mostly on gold.
Mike Styles graduated from Swansea University in 1971
and obtained his PhD from Manchester University for regional
studies in northern Norway. He joined the British Geological
Survey in 1976 and has worked for the Mineralogy and
Petrology section on a wide range of mineralization projects.
He is in charge of the BGS electron microprobe laboratories
and started the development of the gold characterization
technique in collaboration with Bob Leake in 1989. Since
then he has applied the technique to many studies of gold
from a wide range of localities.
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